Santa Claus is coming to town, have you started Christmas shopping yet??
If are struggling to know what to ask for from family and friends..send them this video!! OR…If you are shopping for a vegan friend/family member, hopefully this will give you some ideas.
Hotel Chocolat: £3.95 https://www.hotelchocolat.com/uk/haze…
Kinda Co Cheese £6-£50 https://thekindaco.com/
Vita Liberata Bronzer £26.25 https://amzn.to/2TVLBWS
Lush Bubble Bars £4-8 each https://uk.lush.com/products/bubble-bars
Lush knot wrap approx £4-6 https://uk.lush.com/products/knot-wraps
Martha & Hepsie tea towel £12.50 https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/marthaan…
STELLA perfume 50ml £47 https://amzn.to/2KFvvMV
emJ Make-up bag £42 http://www.theemjcompany.com/beauty-b…
Violet Voss Holy Grail Palette £69.99 https://amzn.to/2DOKMtj
Body Shop shimmer: £14 https://www.thebodyshop.com/en-gb/mak…
Klean Kanteen £24 https://amzn.to/2RsOJYM
BOSH book £8 https://amzn.to/2zvNpNA
Riki Mirror £46 https://www.limelifebyalcone.com/cori…
Charlotte tilbury hollywood filter £30 https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/p…
Charlotte tilbury lipstick: £24 https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/p…
Body Shop facemask https://amzn.to/2zvSh5x
emJ Company tote bag £94 http://www.theemjcompany.com/tote-bags/
I hope you are inspired by my featured gift ideas, please do let me know if you go ahead and buy any!! Love and lentils… Em-J xxx
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